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Are you ready to launch your Signature Online Course in 30 Days or Less? 🚀

I'm super excited to introduce you to the Complete Course Kit Live Workshop!

I'll show you how to use ChatGPT and AI to create your own online course on any topic in just 30 days or less - sounds awesome, right?

Let's dive into how this workshop can make your life so much easier and help you get your course out there in record time.

Top 3 Benefits (because I know you're busy!):

  • A Faster & Easier Course Creation Process 🏃‍♂️

  • A Step By Step SIMPLE Course Creation Blueprint 🤖

  • A Human Guided Expert to show you how to implement this Strategy 🤗

Wave Goodbye to Lengthy Course Creation!

Imagine having your Online Course ready to launch faster than you ever thought possible?

With the help of ChatGPT & ChatGPT, you'll be able to speed up the Course Creation process and focus on what really matters - teaching your students!

No More Course Outline Stress

Ever felt lost trying to create the perfect course outline? We got you! During the Complete Course Kit Workshop, you'll learn how to build a comprehensive outline that covers all the essential info and helps your students stay on track.

Entertain and Educate Your Students

Keeping your students engaged is key, right? With the help of ChatGPT & AI, you'll become a pro at crafting captivating lesson content that keeps them hooked and eager to learn.

Assessments and Quizzes Made Easy

Worried about creating effective assessments? No problem! We'll teach you how to use ChatGPT & AI tools to create quizzes that measure learning outcomes and help your students achieve their goals.

Helpful Cheat Sheets and Lesson References

Make your students' lives easier with handy cheat sheets and lesson references. You'll learn how to use ChatGPT & AI create these valuable resources that reinforce learning and help them master complex concepts.

Get Ahead with the Latest AI Tech

Stay ahead of the game with cutting-edge AI Apps that'll make your online course shine🌟 Attract and retain more students in this developing ChatGPT & AI infused world.

So what's there to think about? Join us for the Complete Course Kit Live Workshop and let's finally create your Online Course together!

Here’s everything  you’re going to get in the Complete Course Kit Workshop:

  • Two Day Course Creation Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Replay

  • My Cheat Sheet of Step by Step ChatGPT Course Creation Prompts & Tools

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community

I'll walk you through all of the Elements of a Successful Course

Step By Step!

🚀 Create Your Online Course Outline FASTER and Kickstart Your Course Creation Journey with Confidence!

Struggling with structuring your course content? Worry no more! The Complete Course Kit Live Workshop is here to help you design your online course outline with lightning speed, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – sharing your knowledge and impacting lives.

🌟 Effortlessly Craft Lesson Outlines FASTER and Deliver High-Impact Learning Experience

Are you tired of spending hours trying to design the perfect lesson outline for your online course? Fret not, because the Complete Course Kit Live Workshop is here to help you create engaging, well-structured lesson outlines in a fraction of the time!

🎯 Crafting Course Modules & Objectives that Drive Success

Designing course modules and objectives can be a daunting task, but the Complete Course Kit Live Workshop is here to simplify the process! We'll help you create well-defined, impactful modules and objectives that set your online course up for success, ensuring your students gain the knowledge and skills they seek.

✍️ Effortlessly Craft Compelling Lesson Summaries that Reinforce Student Satisfaction!

Writing effective lesson summaries is crucial for reinforcing your students' understanding of key concepts, but it can be challenging to do it well. That's where the Complete Course Kit Live Workshop comes in! We're here to help you create captivating lesson summaries that solidify knowledge and ensure your students get the most out of your online course.

🎬 Design Captivating Lesson Slides & Videos that Enthrall Your Students!

Creating visually appealing and informative lesson slides and videos is essential for keeping your students engaged and immersed in your online course. The Complete Course Kit Live Workshop is here to help you design stunning lesson materials that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

📝 Quickly Develop Engaging & Effective Course Assessments & Quizzes in minutes!

Creating assessments and quizzes is a vital part of the online course creation process, ensuring that your students grasp the concepts you teach and achieve their learning goals. The Complete Course Kit Live Workshop is here to help you design engaging, impactful assessments and quizzes that boost your students' progress.

📚 Craft Powerful Lesson Cheat Sheets that Enhance Students Understanding & Comprehension of the Lesson Materials

Creating lesson cheat sheets is an excellent way to reinforce learning, provide quick references, and make complex concepts more accessible for your students.

Are you ready to finally master the art of creating profitable & awesome Online Courses?

Join us for the Complete Course Kit Live Workshop and elevate your online course creation game! 🏅

Get Even Faster Results with these Convenient Order Upgrades!

Discover how to use ChatGPT & AI to generate Course Outlines, Slides, Content, Cheat Sheets, Quizzes and more!

As an Entrepreneur, your time is valuable. That's why this workshop is designed to help you create high-quality course content in a fraction of the time it takes to do it manually!

... for only a one time price of $147! 🤯🤯🤯

... or $97 if you get Earlybird!

EarlyBird Pricing Ends in...

purchase the replay!

Here’s what's included:

  • Course Creation Workshop Replay

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Workshop

  • My Cheat Sheet of Step by Step ChatGPT Course Creation Prompts & Tools

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


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Billing Info


  • Create the high ticket, high-quality Signature Online Course that you've been meaning to create for months... or years!

  • Launch Low Ticket Mini-Courses to grow your email list while earning passive income.

  • ​Say goodbye to wasting hours staring at a blank screen or struggling to come up with course outlines, slides and content.

  • Stop procrastinating and create the a steady revenue stream business.

Watch the Replay!

EarlyBird Pricing Ends in...

Here’s what's included:

  • Course Creation Workshop Replay

  • Unlimited Replay Access to the Workshop

  • My Cheat Sheet of Step by Step ChatGPT Course Creation Prompts & Tools

  • Exclusive Members Only Facebook Community


Personal Info
Billing Info

Lifestyle School | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

Hey, I’m Mike!

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 4 years now. My very first company was launched in 2017. AMPM Credit Repair. After launching that company, I saw the demand with so many people wanting to learn how to launch their own credit repair company. 

So I developed and created my first online digital course. Teaching people how to do exactly what I do. Launching their own credit repair company from scratch. Then I had thousands of people online watching my online course sales go crazy and they began asking if I could teach them how to ALSO launch a valuable online course. But in THEIR own desired niche/industry. 

That’s when ANOTHER aha moment came to me. What if I take all of the knowledge, expertise, and experience that I’ve accumulated in the last 4 years and launched an online course teaching others how to build THEIR online course. 

In ANY industry? And that is how Digital Course Recipe came to life!

What makes Digital Course Recipe different than other trainings like it?


  • Digital Course Recipe
You’ll get lifetime access to the course material. So if you ever need to go back and review a lesson to improve your online course, you can do that. FOREVER.
  • Other Trainings
You have access to this training for one year, so if that’s not enough time, you’ll have to sign up again. 


  • Digital Course Recipe

You have lifetime access to our private Facebook group. So, you can go back and review as much as you need to.

  • Other Trainings
The Facebook group will be archived once the class ends. All information shared in the group is valuable so, make sure to take some notes!


  • Digital Course Recipe
Join my team and I, on our weekly Q&A session.

  • Other Trainings
Where is the instructor? Is she going to show up? Do we ever get to speak to her? I haven’t heard from her since registration day.